potato chips, potatoes, food-1418192.jpg

Color Grading Potato Chips

Typically Potato crisps are graded in color from light to dark in five grades A, B, C, D and E.

Often checks are done by eye comparison to the  above chart with values being recorded manually when standard laboratory checks are taken.

Why measure with Senware?

  1. The Senware color system is designed for Continuous Online Color Measurement
  2. Color data is analyzed by software and displayed in a histogram showing the distribution of grades produced.  
  3. Typically end of shift reports are produced , showing  the distribution of color grades produced in that  shift. 
  4. Along with L,color chromatic coordinates a and b available. 
  5. Solid state sensor, virtually maintenance freesight window easy to clean. 


The Senware color system typically reads color in  the widely accepted L a b standard.  

These results can be converted to 4 – 20 mA signals  (or other analog outputs )for integration to plant  PLC, but are typically displayed on Senware’s  Grading software, with data logged straight to PC vavailable on the Local Area Network via Ethernet.