Wine Color Analysis
Many winemakers use color analysis to characterize wine quality and consistency between batches or vintages, allowing for the grading of wines. Control of additives during the clarification process and identifying problems such as contamination or degree of fermentation are additional uses of color analysis. Measurements are usually taken during crush and at regular intervals thereafter. This allows the vintner to create a Color Reference Database by varietal, year or field to establish specific quality standards for each wine.
The Senware CR100FF-LB liquids color analyzer reads color in the CIE L* a* b* standard. The calculated values per method “OIV-MA-AS2-07B Chromatic Characteristics” of Color intensity, Shade/Hue and ∆ E are also available on the analyzer. Our Grading software will allow the customer to create a visual reference database by product.
With the CR100FF-LB, we put the power of color analysis within reach of everyone
Please contact Senware to discuss your application or request a quotation.