February 2022


Wine Color Analysis Many winemakers use color analysis to characterize wine quality and consistency between batches or vintages, allowing for the grading of wines. Control of additives during the clarification… Read More

Maillard Reaction

How the Maillard Reaction Affects Food Color The Maillard Reaction describes a non-enzymatic chemical reaction between amino acids (proteins) and reducing sugars that accelerates with heat and produces a browning effect on many… Read More


Slurry Whiteness Measurement Application The application is to measure the color, particularly  the whiteness in slurry solutions of such minerals as  Calcium Carbonate, Clay etc. The problem is to present… Read More


Tortilla Manufacturing and Color Quality Tortillas are a fast-growing consumer favorite in colors from pale white, yellow, red and bluish purple. Tortillas are typically made from corn maize, wheat flour… Read More